
The issue about 250W hub motor electric bike kit

Bought 1 set of electric bike kit from one supplier in China two months ago. Sent more than 10 emails, haven’t gotten any reply. I met below issue, hope solve it.

When I was riding my electric bike three weeks ago, the 250w mini front hub motor suddenly started to make a strange and strong noise. If I try to turn the twist throttle on when the e-bike doesn’t have any load, I keep the hub motor wheel in the air. The electric bike motor works fine and electric bike kit does not make any noise.

However, if I try riding my electric bike and turning the throttle on, the electric bike motor starts making a strong and continuous noise. I tried to riding my bike keeping the brakes continuously pressed and any noise appears so it seems to be some electric problem. It is very strange and I am so much worried.

I took off electric bike kit wheel and used screwdriver to disconnect six screw nuts, took apart hub motor cover and found there was a rotor-winding, two bearings, three sets of 42-gear, 1 set of 21-gear on the axis, 1 set of 81-gear on the hub. There wasn’t any impurity inside the hub motor. Re-install and test electric bike motor wheel, still have the same problem. Don’t know what’s the problem.

Contact my supplier many times and can’t get any reply. I looked for answers by google, yahoo and bike forums, still can’t find the correct answer. Yesterday I got a message from my US friend about there was a company, leaf motor can help me. So I sent an email to leaf motor.

Surprisingly just half an hour past, leafmotor replied me and asked me to check the bearings. How to check hub motor bearing? Take off two bearings from axis, and use little finger to hold inside of bearing, the other hand to turn bearing, faster, better. If you can hear some noise from bearing that can confirm the problem comes from electric bike motor ‘s bearing. At last, I found there was a bearing was broken. According as the bearing model, I bought two new ones in market and replaced them.

Test electric bike kit wheel in the air, no noise. Brake hub motor wheel, still no noise. Nice, Have sloved it.

I should thank leaf motor that help me and I found fun throught repairing electric bike motor. Now I decide to buy leaf ‘s electric bike kit if I have need and will recommend my friends to order leafmotor’s electric bike motor, bike kit…

Though I haven’t ordered any goods from leafmotor by now. But they are very professional, has best service and believe they have high quality products.

Hub motor, electric bike motor, electric bike kit supplier: Leaf Motor Technology Co.,Ltd

